Recent Releases

A couple of releases to talk about today. One is old. The other is new 🙂

December marked the release of my short historical novel, Song of the Swallow, by Hadley Rille Books. It’s available in paperback and hardcover, as well as an ebook for the Kindle and the Nook.
I have a short story in an anthology that was just released. It’s called Absolute Visions and put together by the wonderful people at Absolute Write. My contribution is “Kiss of the Jade Fox.” I was lucky enough to have an illustration for the story which is amazing. Watch this space for my impression on some of the other contributions as I read the anthology 🙂

Finally, it’s not due out yet, but as I’ve signed the contract, I’d thought I’d announce it. I have a short story due out in the steampunk anthology Gears and Levers called “Of Blood and Brass.” I’ll update as soon as I know more.

I’ll be posting some more in the coming weeks about some topics that are percolating. Have a wonderful day!