Setting Goals When Life Happens

At the start of every year, many of us dream big. We have these lofty goals and high expectations whether in the form of resolutions to eat better, get to the gym, or stop worrying so much. For writers, maybe a goal is to write so many words, land an agent, finish a book.

I love having these goals. Every year I get fired up and ready to tackle the impossible. In those moments, nothing seems so impossible anymore.

The reality is that most of the time life happens. We fall behind. We don’t meet those insanely high expectations. Then it’s easy to give up. Why bother? Something else is going to happen anyway.

I’m urging you to keep pushing even if everything in you wants to quit.

The end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 have been hard for me. A relatively healthy person, I came down with a serious infection at the end of November, then caught pneumonia, and had a relapse of the infection after. By the time I finished healing up, one of my dogs became ill. We learned he had some tumors and scheduled surgery right away since the tumors could have burst at any time and killed him. They had an 80% chance of being the worst possible kind of cancer to boot. He was 12, but in good overall health, and high in spirit. He came out of the surgery and was recovering at a rate that impressed and pleased the vets. The tumors ended up being benign. Then, unexpectedly, he died of septic shock as a complication from surgery. As we mourned the loss of a dog we’d had for 12 years, I started to deal with residual issues from having pneumonia. Next our other dog fell ill. A pipe blew in our bathroom and our dryer quit working.

That is where I am at now.

Despite being tired and having days where I don’t know why I get out of bed anymore, I had to stop and think, why quit? Why give in and take away one of the things in life that makes me happy, that helps balance out the good and the bad?

So maybe I can’t write 1000 words one day. That’s okay. I can write it the next day. Or the next. I can squeeze in 500 words on a bad day, and have a great day where I am on fire. Maybe I work slower. The important part is I’m not quitting.

If you feel like you want to quit, for whatever reason, please don’t. Hold onto what you love and just readjust your goals. It will pay off in the future.

I may never meet my lofty goals this year, but I’m writing. That’s what matters.

So about posting…

Remember how I said I was going to start posting more regularly barring any crazy situation?

Crazy situation happened.

I ended up with a severe infection and as soon as I recovered, I ended up with pneumonia. I’m still struggling to get over pneumonia.

I’m not too stressed, but I am disappointed that my plans for this blog and building a web presence will have to wait until the new year. Resting is better than being a complete waste of space, though.

I should have some announcements for upcoming projects shortly, as well as sticking around more as 2012 starts. Sometimes life happens.

I hope all of you are well and have a safe and healthy holiday season!

NaNoWriMo, Health, and Progress

*dusts off blog*

So it’s been awhile. All of my best intentions are out the window.

What’s been going on?

Well, over the summer my dogs both got sick and we’re still caring for them. On top of that, I’ve been sick – not the common cold style but an infection where I had to be treated at the hospital – which has made keeping a regular schedule difficult.

Nonetheless, I am attempting NaNoWriMo. I’m so far behind that there is probably no coming back, but that isn’t why I take part in NaNo every year anyway. What I love about NaNo is that extra motivation to keep a regular writing schedule. Who doesn’t need a little more discipline in their lives? So I use it to focus on a project and train myself that writing is just as important as everything else. Why keep martyring my writing if it’s what makes me happy?

(Of course, health trumps all so…)

Even if I don’t “win” this year, I’ll keep plugging away so I can get another story’s first, raw, rough draft done.

However, I do have some good news! Not only is my book, Song of the Swallow, nearing the final leg of its journey to publication, but I had a short story accepted into the Absolute Write anthology. I’m pretty happy about that. More details soon.

So that’s it! I should be posting more regularly now, barring any other new crazy situation. Life is never dull!